Saturday, October 29, 2011


When I was kid, eating smoked mackerel on toast was unthinkable (yuck)! Now (grown-up and living without a TV), when I'm able to make my own decisions about what I like without having others telling me what is an OK flavor and what is not, I am actually thoroughly enjoying this rich, oily fish!

Today I tried Cole's Wild Mackerel in Mustard Sauce. It was so surprisingly good that I ate it straight out of the can.

Mackerel is high in protein, good fats, and iron. "Vitamins such as Vitamin AVitamin D, Vitamin K, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Choline and Folate can be found in mackerel fish. It’s a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids and some amount of Omega-6 fatty acids. Mackerel also contains monounsaturated fats" (
Health Benefits of Mackerel
  • Mackerel fish is very effective in regulating hormonal levels and also improves the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries.
  • It helps in lowering cancer-causing agents and thus prevents the risk of many cancers.
  • It is beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol levels as it has the property of reducing blood coagulation.
  • Mackerel fish even lowers high blood pressure levels.
  • It helps in treating migraine headaches, arthrosis and arthritis conditions. It even enhances memory by improving the activity of the brain.

Mackerel is not all glitter and sparkles. The FDA suggests that mackerel contains elevated levels of mercury and should be avoided if you are pregnant (

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